Meet Italmatch team at InCosmetics Global

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March 14, 2022

Italmatch Chemicals’ new Business Unit Personal Care, Fabric Softeners and Plastic Additives is pleased to invite you at next InCosmetics Global, from 5th to 7th April in Paris. You will find our team at stand number T90.

You can meet our Sales and Technical Team to find out about our products for Personal Care, focusing on both Conventional and Specialty products with applications in Skin Care, Colour Cosmetics, Hair Care, Deodorants and Toiletries.

Our news for this edition:

  • We will have a “Formulation Corner”, where we will show you several solutions using our NEW raw materials;
  • We will take part to Technical Seminars with following lectures:
    • on April 5th (11:55-12:25 – Theatre 2) “Polyglyceryl esters, more than emulsifiers”
    • on April 6th (10:15-10:45 – Theatre 1) “The versatile benefits of new esters of penta-erythritol: from make up to solid cleansers

You can book an appointment sending an email to or via your Sales Manager usual contact.

After last year’s digital edition, the possibility to attend the fair in person is a great opportunity to meet again our customers and personally display our expertise in Oleochemical field.

For more information about the event, visit